Coronavirus (COVID-19)

If you are planning on travelling distance to attractions, we would recommend that you contact the venues directly in advance to avoid disappointment.

If you, or any of your party have a new persistant cough, or develop a fever of 38C, we would instead advise you to use the NHS's dedicated website for professional advice.

Sedgwick Gunpowder Works

It operated from 1857 until 1935, and have left an all too visible reminder of the work that once took place here, which includes the remains of buildings, mill races, leats and curious earthworks abound. It’s shrouded in trees and private, and only ¼ of a mile North West of the village of Sedgwick. The Works are in Low Park Wood caravan site, which lies on the west banks of the River Kent, which is a fast flowing river, where the construction of a wooden weir went across its width, and a long headrace, which was constructed of stone and lined with concrete, and was over 700 yards long, with a total drop of around 20ft. Much of it survives today, and was 9ft wide and originally 5ft deep, although it’s fairly silted up these days. The stone used to build this important structure was quarried from a small quarry opened nearby on the Eastern side of the river. The headrace was powered initially by incorporating six mills, all of which were driven off a single 37ft waterwheel, which generated an impressive 90hp. Either side of the wheel, were three mills taking their power from a square shaft which was turned by a ring wheel attached to each side of the waterwheel. These three mills had stone runners, each of which weighed in the region of 4½ tons and had a diameter of 7ft.

  • Currently: Medium-level cloud, 11° C
  • Monday: Sunny intervals, 10° C
  • Tuesday: Sunny intervals, 11° C